Saturday 7 March 2009

Another spot of down time...

No post today either, folks. We refought the Civil War Battle of Iuka, MI, last night, gaming for over four hours and finishing past midnight. You'll understand if I say I have more than a touch of the blah's today.

History repeated itself in that the Union won the encounter, albeit with higher casualties than happened in real life. My brigade had to face two batteries of Union artillery ensconced on a hill, supported by infantry, just beyond the road we had to seize to enable Braxton Bragg's army to escape from the converging Union forces. I knew I was in trouble when that same artillery blasted a fifth of my lead regiment to oblivion the moment it marched over the hill in skirmish order. Two spirited attempts to close with the enemy were repelled without endangering the Yankee grip on the battle. Oh well, the South Shall Rise Again...

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