Tuesday, 3 December 2024


The time has come to admit I'm not getting any younger and my storage space isn't getting any bigger. As a consequence I'm thinking of selling off my ImagiNations' Hetzenberg and Dunkeldorf-Pfuhl collection in 25mm. If there's any interest I'll itemize what I have. 


Donnie McGibbon said...

Sorry to read that your are selling on your armies, hopefully they will go to a good home.

tradgardmastare said...

Just a suggestion but could you retain smaller forces to continue to fight with whilst selling the bulk off. Smaller games on smaller tables can be fun and tactically challenging too.

A J said...

Thanks for the comments. Hmm, we'll see...

Tiberian general said...

Great blog, always a good read.
I have spent 10 years downsizing my wargame and toy soldier collection, highly recommend it. Frees up a lot of space.
I am an avid collector of Spencer Smith and RSM miniatures if you have any for sale I am interested.


A J said...

Yep, I know what you mean. My Better Half's on a major clear out mission, and seeing how much space she's freed up makes me want to do the same for the man cave.